Entrepreneurial and Influencer Branding 101 – AMA Wichita Luncheon Recap

Alexus Scott was the special guest for the August AMA Wichita Luncheon. Her presentation titled “Entrepreneurial & Influencer Branding 101” lead us through her journey to entrepreneurship. Her story is one of grit and determination to have the flexibility to do what she wants to do (in fabulous shoes I might add) and make money doing it. She shared with the room full of eager marketers the framework of how she went from being a financial aid advisor in education to a thriving entrepreneur, influencer, coach, and trainer.

“I wasn’t doing what I wanted to do, I was paying the bills. But when it was time to pivot, I did. I had to ask myself “WHERE DO I WANT TO GO?” – Alexus Scott.

How can we all make intentional actions to get where we want to go? Alexus shared it by answering the right questions and she broke it down into three simple words; Identify, Assess and Equip.  First up is Identify and Assess. This is all about self-reflection and you answering the questions.


  1. Who are you and whom do you serve?
  2. What problem do you answer?
  3. When are the high points of your industry and/or brand?
  4. Where is your market located?


  1. Why do you do what you do?
  2. Why are you in support of what you do and/or provide?
  3. How do you find your target audience to service them?
  4. How do you share what you’re doing?

Alexus took a second to expand on the idea of assessment and what I really loved is when she said: 

“As marketers, to do what we do, you have to love it.”

You could feel the nods and feelings of agreement after she made this statement.

Next is Equip and it’s about “they”, they being your players. Your players are your audience, the ones who support you, and the ones who will now act as a filter for you along your journey. Can they answer these questions? If they can’t, if they don’t know the basics then you need to pivot.


  1. Why do you do what you do?
  2. Why are you in support of what you do and/or provide?
  3. How do you find your target audience to service them?
  4. How do you share what you’re doing?

Alexus closed with these words, “When it comes to marketing, branding, and building something sustainable and something people can remember, you have to be strategic with what you are doing. To be strategic, you need to be able to answer the questions, and your “they” need to be able to answer them”

Thank you, Alexus Scott, for your incredible presentation and for reminding us all to take a step back and start making plans of action for our future!

Picture of Mandy Fouse

Mandy Fouse

Director of Membership & Event Recap Writer

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